Past performances include ....
Bach B Minor Mass, Magnificat in D, St. Matthew Passion
Bernstein Chichester Psalms
Brahms Requiem
Britten St Nicolas, Choral Dances from Gloriana
Buxtehude Magnificat
Chilcott Jubilate, Aesop's Fables, Gloria
Clements Five Settings of Herrick
Duruflé Requiem
Elgar The Dream of Gerontius, The Music Makers
Fanshawe African Sanctus
Fauré Requiem
Finzi Dies Natalis, Lo the Full Final Sacrifice, Intimations of Immortality
Gabrieli In Ecclesiis, Cantatas
Gjeilo Song of the Universal
Haazen Missa Luba
Handel Dettingen Te Deum, The King Shall Rejoice, Messiah, Ode to Queen Anne, Ode on St Cecilia's Day
Haydn The Creation, Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo, Nelson Mass, Te Deum, Mass in Time of War
Jenkins The Armed Man
Kodály Missa Brevis, Pange Lingua
Lauridsen O Magnum Mysterium
Liszt Missa Choralis
Mathias Shakespeare Songs
Mealor Ubi Caritas
Mendelssohn Elijah
Monteverdi Cantatas, Beatus Vir, Vespers
Mozart Coronation Mass, Piccolomini Mass, Requiem, Mass in C Minor
Orff Carmina Burana
Parry Blest Pair of Sirens
Patterson Magnificat, Millenium Mass
Pehkonen Buccinata Tuba, Gloria
Pergolesi Magnificat
Poulenc Gloria
Puccini Messa di Gloria,
Purcell Come ye Sons of Art, Ode on St Cecilia's Day, Funeral Sentences
Rachmaninov Bogoroditsye Dyevo
Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle
Rutter Birthday Madrigals, Gloria, Requiem, Magnificat
Schubert Mass in C, Mass in G
Seiber Yugoslav Folk Songs
Shearing Songs and Sonnets
Tavener The Lamb, Song for Athene
R. V. Williams Five English Folk Songs, Five Mystical Songs
Verdi Requiem, Aida
Vierne Messe Solennelle
Vivaldi Beatus Vir, Credo, Gloria
Walton Belshazzar's Feast
Whitacre Lux Aurumque, Seal Lullaby
Willcocks Magnificat
A fine line-up of soloists with our new MD, Jonathan Allsopp November 2024
Received after our concert November 2024
"We’ve had the pleasure of attending concerts by The Derbyshire Singers over many years, and this one certainly lived up to expectations! The young soloists were exceptional, and the orchestra, with its period instruments, was outstanding. The choir was in excellent voice throughout. It’s clear that your new MD, Jonathan Allsopp, will continue to build on and enhance the choir's well-deserved reputation." JS
"Congratulations to everyone involved in The Derbyshire Singers concert on Saturday! The choir, orchestra, soloists, and conductor all came together to deliver a fine performance and a memorable evening. Well done to all!" CS
Messiah performance, November 2022